If you're a property owner, or someone making a residential or commercial space your own, the world is your oyster. The possibilities are endless.
That plain, unadorned wall is a blank slate on which you can write your narrative. So what do you hang up there?
We make the specialized map art installations that many people love to use to dress up a home or business or rental like an airB&B or beach house. Our products ship well, and look great anywhere in your building.
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Rather than just hanging up a picture of a still life of fruit, or some people doing some random things in a painting, you have the ability to decorate your walls with items that evoke a certain mood and effect for whoever your visitors are. Simply put, a map means something.
Our maps are clearly labeled with location destinations that people like, because of nostalgia and the good times that they have in many of these places, whether living there or on vacation.
So being able to link your interior decor to memories is a powerful thing, and people enjoy having these reminders hanging around. They’re icebreakers and conversation starters, too.
Attractive Art Pieces
In a real, profound way, maps are a form of art.
They may not be fictional – they portray real places and distances, but they do so with a nice iconic style that looks good to the eye.
That's why we combine these maps with the legends and logos that tell people what they're looking at. Together the combined effect is really cool for interior spaces of any kind. These items look great in kitchens and bathrooms. They're very orienting for a business foyer or reception area, for example. Then there’s the above-mentioned social value.
These pieces are also great for beach houses, because so much of the other decor is also location themed. Imagine staring at a visual portrayal of a great bay, with its fingers and tributaries and coastal locations all neatly identified and enumerated in something that looks like a cool piece of art.
That's what we've built at Map Mom. We’re all about offering this kind of aesthetic to the world! Browse and see what would look good in your property, and ask us any questions about shipping, design or anything else. Drop us a line and let us know how we are doing in creating unique décor products!